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فارسی عربي


Iran new film logo released before premiere

Leading up to its release in Iranian cinemas, a logo for Iranian film’ Twenty One Days Later’ has been unveiled.

A local media report said on Saturday, the release of the logo designed by Mohammad Roholamin comes as the film’s publicity has already started.   

Roholamin has made logos for other films such as ‘Standing In the Dust’, ‘Take Off’ and “Subdued’.

The film will be released in the coming months, the report added.

Directed by Seyyed Mohammad-Reza Kheradmandan, the film stars Iran actor and actresses such as Sare Bayat, Hamid Reza Azarang and Jalal Fatemi.

‘Twenty One Days Later’ is a melodrama about a teenager who has to struggle with several challenges in order to fulfill his dad’s wishes.

“It’s always the same! The last time the sky clouded over, the weather became so wild that the storm could have pulled down the trees. It was pouring rain,” a synopsis for the movie teases, adding, “The birds were screaming around their nests. One of the kids swears by God he saw the sun beginning to dim and brighten once or twice.”

